It is rare to discover a patient who really looks forward to surgery without having a few fears trying to hide themselves in the back of his or her mind. Some manage to keep those fears well hidden but others find this task a little more difficult to achieve.
We all know that fears cause tension. What you perhaps do not fully appreciate is that the more relaxed a patient is the easier surgery tends to be and the quicker the recovery time. Hence it is extremely important to address any fears and to overcome them to the very best of one's ability.
When preparing for surgery your medical team will do their very best to explain the procedure and to allay any fears that you might have. This tends to be approached from a factual, logical mind, perspective. Most patients also try to focus their minds logically and to simply try to push any feelings of fear to the back of his or her mind. You in effect try to suppress the fear, keep a stiff upper lip and just get on with it.
I suspect that this attitude is the one that is favored because most people do not realize that there is anything else that they can do to address their fears or lessen them. The best that they feel that they can do is to lessen their fears by ignoring them.
But even when you manage to focus upon something else and effectively turn a blind eye to fears, your body will reflect those hidden feelings. Your logical mind may indeed focus upon something else, but your body will reflect your emotional feelings.
Fear is something that is experienced instinctively and automatically. It happens without your logical mind having time to control it. Thus to control fear you need to find a way to get into and interrupt this automatic thinking and feeling part of your mind. This is the domain of the subconscious mind.
With hypnosis you can access your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation. This in itself is of great benefit. But there is even more benefit in what can be achieved through gaining access to your subconscious mind. Suggestions can be made to ensure that you remain calm and relaxed when thinking about your surgery, preparing for your surgery, during your surgery and whilst recovering from your surgery.
Any surgeon will tell you that a relaxed patient makes for a better patient. Not only are you, the patient, a whole lot more comfortable, the surgery itself is made easier as well. The more relaxed you are the less medication you will most likely need and the quicker your recovery time is likely to be. Medical research has proven these likelihoods, in addition to other huge benefits of being relaxed and calm.
And so if you thought before now that there is nothing you can do to help yourself to stay relaxed and calm throughout surgery then I would encourage you to try hypnosis. Hypnosis is natural and has no negative side effects. Hypnosis is also easy to use simply by listening to a hypnosis mp3 download designed to assist with your attitude towards your surgery. With hypnosis you can align your emotional experience with your chosen logical perspective.
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